by admin | Oct 18, 2023 | BLOG
Mpamantha Last Church is a church located in Nkhotakota that wanted to start a Sunday school program for the children that attend, but needed somebody who would teach the word of God. They consulted a woman named Mainess to fill this position. Mainess is a member of the church, so this opportunity was perfect for her to enter the ministry.
Unfortunately, Mainess felt unprepared for the role. This caused her to be reluctant accept the proposal to teach the children in Sunday school. Her apprehension towards the oncoming responsibility was due to the fact that many women in Malawi don’t go far past elementary school before their circumstances force them to drop out. Mainess didn’t feel she was equipped enough to teach these children if she herself wasn’t fully educated, which meant that her heart wasn’t in it.
Determined to remedy this issue, Mainess attended a short but extensive 5-day program for Sunday school teachers to train for this position at her church. The program was facilitated by World Relief, a non-governmental evangelical Christian organization whose mission is to empower local churches internationally to serve the most vulnerable.
This training was the turning point in her spiritual life. Now she was equipped to actively serve in her church and community. Currently, Mainess is a Sunday school teacher. She is passionately educating children on God’s word. She is impacting each young life with the Word of God. With Mainess as a teacher, the Sunday school at Mpamantha Last Church continues to grow each day as more children join to experience the love of God through her lessons.

by admin | Oct 18, 2023 | BLOG
The Mtaya Youth Club is determined to help their members to a better life. To raise money the club dug an entire fishpond using just 2 hand shovels. To fill the pond with water, they used a foot powered pump to bring water from a local stream. Imagine a stair stepping machine at your local gym, except this one pumps water. Who knows how many flights of stairs these club members climbed filling that pond? They didn’t give up.
Once full of water, the club got tiny fish from the Malawi Department of Natural Resources. They also got counseling and training on how to raise the fish. They learned well. The fish have now reached a size that they can be sold.
Guess what they are doing with the proceeds? Buying fertilizer of course. The fertilizer will go to a melon field they have started. Once the melons have been sold, the proceeds will be used to buy 3 sewing machines. Those machines will be put to work by club members sewing various clothing items they can sell in the village.
What will those proceeds be used for you ask? To pay school fees and buy school supplies for girl members of the club who otherwise would not be able to go to school.
This isn’t a story about fish, fertilizer, melons, or even sewing machines. It’s a story about a group of youth who believe they can change their future and the future of their community. It is a story of youth who have been empowered to believe they can achieve.

by admin | Sep 22, 2021 | BLOG
Thanks to some very special gifts, we are continuing to move forward with solar powered water pumps. These pumps are having an incredible impact in the battle against hunger.
This is what the pumps look like. A solar panel drives a pump that floats on the water in a pond, stream, or even a dug well. The pumps push water out through a hose onto the field.
This is maize. The primary food source for most Malawians. It should not be growing now. It should have all been harvested by end of April. Instead, this is a second crop!
People are also branching out into new crops too. Watermelon, sweet potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and such. During the dry season, these are impossible to grow without water.
These are ground nuts (peanuts), these will now be providing protein that so many need for healthy bodies.
We still have more to put into place, but these pumps have made incredible impact already. They are going to Bible study centers where people learn about the Bible and improved farming practices at the same time. We have so many wanting to start new Bible study centers that we are struggling to keep up!
We praise God for these special gifts and for how He is using the sun to bring people to know about His Son!
by admin | Sep 22, 2021 | BLOG
Have you been blessed in a special way? We are always working on special blessing too. There are needs that go beyond the day-to-day and special gifts help us get there. Below are some things we are working on right now.
- 10 new preschools still need chalkboards so that they can practice their skills, $350.
- The new goat farm and Farming God’s Way demonstration garden needs more fencing, $1,300.
- We need a well on the property above and for the community nearby, $10,000.
- The Vocational Training Center needs 5 more new sewing machines for student training, $600.
- We also want to expand training at the VTC to include Salon services (hair care), $1,300.
- The Chatanga Bible Study Center has outgrown its capacity and needs to be expanded, $700.
- A new Worship Center is being built at Abjua, a community that has not had a church in 50 years, $20,000.
- The Vocational Training Center wants to improve the quality of tailoring with an embroidery machine, $2,500.
- We never have enough Bibles, so many people need a Bible, they cost $10 apiece.
Use the button below if you want to help. Even a portion of the need is a huge. Just make a note in the comment section when you make your gift to let us know how to use the funds.
Click here to make a special one-time gift

by admin | Aug 25, 2021 | BLOG
Its a sinking feeling. In some parts of the United States pipes can freeze during winter. When that happens you turn the faucet and nothing comes out. Now the nightmare begins as you try to figure out how to live life without water. Yet for most, this is just temporary. But what if you didn’t even have a faucet? What if your only source of water was to walk more than a mile to fetch muddy, contaminated water from a hole in the ground? What if you had to do this several times a day just to have water for cooking, bathing and cleaning? Worse yet, after all that work the water can actually make you sick. For many people this is not a nightmare, its a reality of life.
Zikomo means thank you in the native language of Malawi. This summer, because of a couple who gave a very generous donation, Y-Malawi was able to end the nightmare for an entire village of people. On the day of dedication, the whole village showed up. They were so happy. There was singing, dancing, and a drama performed about what life was like before clean water. Then there were the testimonies. The Chief gave one, the local Pastor gave one, women and girls stood up, all praising God for the blessing of clean water in their village. Y-Malawi testified too. We testified about who gives living water.
On the plaque that stands next to the well, there is no donor name, no mention of Y-Malawi. What is there is a passage of scripture, John 4:14. “but whoever drinks of the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” You see the couple that gave this gift understands. The gift wasn’t just about the water, it was about sharing the love of Jesus. Now everyone who comes to get this water will get a gospel message too. Zikomo for the water. Zikomo for sharing the love of Jesus.

by admin | Jun 18, 2021 | BLOG
Think sponsorship is all about giving a little to someone who is poor and needs help? Think again. In her own words here is Sue’s story.
“God really spoke to my heart about the needs and struggles the girls in Malawi have. Things that we take for granted everyday are so hard for the people in Malawi. Just finding enough food and clean water every day is a challenge, but the one thing that broke my heart for the girls is that they do not have the opportunity to go to school like we do in America. The girls end up in child marriages, having children at a young age, and they have no hope for a better life.
After sponsoring a girl, I had the opportunity to go to Malawi and meet her. I cried tears of joy to see her, pray with her, and find out what her needs are. We have built a relationship through the field workers and the emails we share. Through the emails, I enjoy learning about her life and hearing her excitement in knowing that someone cares and prays for her, giving her hope for the future. God has blessed me through sponsoring her and has made me fall in love with the Malawian people.”
So, the question is “Who’s life was changed?”

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