Do you have a little free time in your life?  Are you ready to get involved?  You can do that right here in the good ole USA.  If you have 2 hours a week or 20 to share, we need you.  You can work from the comfort of your own home!  If you would like to help, look over the opportunities below.  If something fits, use the response form.  Someone will contact you right away.

  1. Can you type?  We need help with sponsorship communications.  All you need is a little training.
  2. Social Media your thing?  You could help with Facebook, Instagram and other posts.
  3. A bit more technical, but do you have skills in accounting or bookkeeping?  We need you too!
  4. Have you already been on a trip?  Then you know how things work.  Help plan, arrange, track and advise.
  5. WordPress  Don’t know what that means?  This one is not for you.  If you do, then we could use your skills.

Please contact me about volunteering.