Mpamantha Last Church is a church located in Nkhotakota that wanted to start a Sunday school program for the children that attend, but needed somebody who would teach the word of God. They consulted a woman named Mainess to fill this position. Mainess is a member of the church, so this opportunity was perfect for her to enter the ministry.

Unfortunately, Mainess felt unprepared for the role. This caused her to be reluctant accept the proposal to teach the children in Sunday school. Her apprehension towards the oncoming responsibility was due to the fact that many women in Malawi don’t go far past elementary school before their circumstances force them to drop out. Mainess didn’t feel she was equipped enough to teach these children if she herself wasn’t fully educated, which meant that her heart wasn’t in it.

Determined to remedy this issue, Mainess attended a short but extensive 5-day program for Sunday school teachers to train for this position at her church. The program was facilitated by World Relief, a non-governmental evangelical Christian organization whose mission is to empower local churches internationally to serve the most vulnerable.

This training was the turning point in her spiritual life. Now she was equipped to actively serve in her church and community. Currently, Mainess is a Sunday school teacher. She is passionately educating children on God’s word. She is impacting each young life with the Word of God. With Mainess as a teacher, the Sunday school at Mpamantha Last Church continues to grow each day as more children join to experience the love of God through her lessons.