by admin | Dec 12, 2023 | BLOG
Maybe you never thought about it, but God was the first farmer! Y-Malawi partner Fishers Trainers and Senders includes teaching Farming God’s Way in their Bible study curriculum. This innovation teaches class members different agricultural methods that they can apply in their own farming. Frank joined this group as an effort to aid the financial challenges he and his family were experiencing. After a few weeks of attending, Frank started his own small farm with one acre of land, where he planted watermelons.
This is new because most Malawians only plant corn as subsistence farming. They depend on this corn as their primary source of food. Frank is expecting big results from what he has learned. He is holding on to the faith that his efforts will prove to be fruitful. He has already started thanking the Lord for the opportunity to learn more about farming. His faith has pushed him to even encourage his peers to dive into the unknown as well. They are trying new farming methods too.
James 2:14 says “What good does it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?” Frank has perfectly emulated this principle of acting upon what he believes. He is praising the Lord before the harvest, believing that God will provide as he has promised. Then he is acting on those beliefs. We can all take a page out of Frank’s book and apply this same principle into our lives.
Click here to learn more or donate
by admin | Nov 29, 2023 | BLOG
Churches and Bible study groups are working together for the good of individuals in the community. One example of this is seen through the testimony of a man with cancer. In a Malawian village, having such a serious and persistent illness is sometimes seen as taboo. Usually, the man would be viewed as sinful because they’d consider his illness a punishment from God for his sins. Eventually, he would end up being shunned by the entire community.
This did not happen. Instead, since the churches and Bible study groups have grown and more people are learning about the Jesus in the right context, the community welcomed him. They sought to help him in his condition by raising funds to send him to the hospital. The closest hospital that treats cancer is found in the capital city. To transport him there, everybody needed to contribute. They managed to reach their goal and were able to get him the best care possible. All of this was thanks to the community coming together in order to share the love of Jesus with their brother.
Sharing the love of Jesus is about putting into action what Jesus taught in parable, “The King will reply, truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Click here to learn more about Y-Malawi
by admin | Nov 28, 2023 | BLOG
Like many women in Malawi, Gloria was dependent on her husband for an income. She had the potential to make money of her own, but didn’t possess the resources to do so. Then Gloria joined Y-Malawi’s Economic Empowerment program. In the program women are empowered to own their own small business. Gloria is doing tailoring, but others sell maize or clothing, some have a restuarant, others are growing food for sale. This program changed everything for Gloria. Now she has not only learned new skills, she was also given the resources she needed to make money using those skills.
Gloria is running a successful tailoring business where she makes and mends clothes out of chitenje, the traditional material in Malawi. Through this business, she contributes to the household income in addition to her husband’s earnings. They’re able to support their family a little bit more comfortably now.
She has even managed to save ten dollars to start a new small business selling sardines to boost her income further. Gloria is very grateful for the Y-Malawi women’s program that helped turn her potential into a possibility.

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by admin | Nov 22, 2023 | BLOG
Ever think to yourself, “How did I get here?” Sometimes God takes us places in life to prepare us for what He has coming in the future.
Way back in 2008 Dana was attending a church that decided to build water wells in Malawi. She didn’t know anything about Malawi back then, she just knew people needed clean, safe water. She decided to jump in. The church called the campaign, “Your wants for their needs.”
Those days were tough for many people. The economy had taken a downturn, people were losing their homes and jobs. Even so, God moved in a big way. The goal was exceeded by amounts no one expected. It was Malachi 3:10-12 in action. “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.”
Fast forward to 2022. Dana’s friend told her about how she was sponsoring a girl in Malawi. She told her that she was going to Malawi on a Vision Trip in 2023. Again, Dana didn’t hesitate. She sponsored two women that same day. Then she signed up to go to Malawi!
In Malawi she met the women she was sponsoring and much more. She participated in Bible studies, adult literacy classes, took part in programs for children, youth, and met with Chiefs. She saw people learning skills that will help them start their own businesses. She talked with people who had learned new ways to grow food. She was able to give people Bibles, the first they had ever owned! The trip impacted her deeply.
On the way home she talked with people on the plane about her experience. When she got home, she talked with friends, co-workers and anyone who would listen about what she had experienced. She told them, “I saw the work in action. I saw that Y-Malawi is doing everything they talk about in their newsletters. I actually experienced it. When I send money I know exactly where it is going now. It’s going to change lives!”
Dana was so enthusiastic that people couldn’t help but respond. Four more girls have been sponsored. A nurse herself, Dana sponsored two more girls going to nursing school! Y-Malawi is talking with a potential new church partner, and a group of people are talking about taking a Vison Trip in 2024. Now that’s what we call fruit!
God uses Y-Malawi Vision Trips in amazing ways. They change lives. Since the trip Dana says, “I have more joy and am just thrilled about what God is doing.” Dana didn’t expect that to happen. She didn’t ask for it. She didn’t know what God was preparing her for when she first the word “Malawi.”
Look in the rearview mirror. What has God been preparing you for?

Learn about Vision Trips Learn about Empowering Women
by admin | Nov 2, 2023 | BLOG
Isha is a brilliant young girl at a local school in Nkhotakota. But she struggled juggling school work and household responsibilities. She was required to help her single mother at home make ends meet. Eventually, she decided to drop out of school. The money used to pay for school could cover essential food and supplies at home. Then, just before she officially withdrew from her school, a miracle happened.
Through the Y-Malawi Sponsorship Program, God provided a means to pay for Isha’s fees. A sponsor in the United States decided to help her continue her schooling. The sponsorship made it possible for Isha and her mother to live comfortably with the extra money now being distributed to other areas of their lives. Not only was Isha able to return to her education, she now had a new hope for her future. The opportunity she’s been granted has opened up new horizons for her. She is excited to explore what God has in store for her.
In response to this blessing, Isha’s mother thanked Y-Malawi. She said “I have seen God in all this. Indeed, He answers prayers.” Isha and her mother observe Muslim traditions, but have since joined the Bible study conducted in their local church. When she said she saw God in their blessings, she meant Jesus Christ. Ultimately, not only did Isha receive aid that helped her schooling and home life, she and her mother also received the greatest gift of all, Jesus.
To learn more about how you can sponsor someone like Isha, click HERE.
by admin | Oct 21, 2023 | BLOG
Mpamantha Children’s Club gathers children together to teach them many different subjects and skills, one of which is gardening. There is a little boy named Samuel who is part of that club. He has an amazing story that comes from the lessons he learned at this club.
Samuel has a big family of five brothers who also attend the club with him weekly. One week, their teacher taught them a few lessons on how to plant vegetables. They learned how to properly make gardening beds and water the plants so that they would grow successfully. Since these boys are so young, nobody expected them to do what they did next.
They started their own garden! These six boys put their shared knowledge together and got to work. In their own village, they prepared four planting beds, planted mustard in all of them, took very careful care of each bed, and eventually harvested the vegetables. Despite the miniature size of the garden, they were able to eat the vegetables during their meals–so much so that their mother didn’t need to buy vegetables from the market anymore!
They weren’t done yet. They took it a step further and even sold some of their harvest to buy some school supplies. With what they earned, they were able to afford two exercise books and one pencil, which is a great feat for such young children. This is a testament to what children can accomplish once given the knowledge and opportunity to shine.