Maybe you never thought about it, but God was the first farmer!  Y-Malawi partner Fishers Trainers and Senders includes teaching Farming God’s Way in their Bible study curriculum.  This innovation teaches class members different agricultural methods that they can apply in their own farming.  Frank joined this group as an effort to aid the financial challenges he and his family were experiencing.  After a few weeks of attending, Frank started his own small farm with one acre of land, where he planted watermelons. 

This is new because most Malawians only plant corn as subsistence farming.  They depend on this corn as their primary source of food.  Frank is expecting big results from what he has learned.  He is holding on to the faith that his efforts will prove to be fruitful. He has already started thanking the Lord for the opportunity to learn more about farming. His faith has pushed him to even encourage his peers to dive into the unknown as well.  They are trying new farming methods too. 

James 2:14 says “What good does it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?” Frank has perfectly emulated this principle of acting upon what he believes.  He is praising the Lord before the harvest, believing that God will provide as he has promised. Then he is acting on those beliefs.  We can all take a page out of Frank’s book and apply this same principle into our lives.


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