In the same way that everybody goes to work every day, so did Jesus! He was a carpenter who did wood work for a living. Y-Malawi’s Economic Empowerment Program works to provide that same opportunity of a sustainable job for Malawians. This program helps many Malawians in their businesses so that they can independently provide for themselves and their families. 

Earlier this year, the program provided start-up materials for a woman named Tulayi Maulidi and her small business. She runs a corner shop that sells convenient products for her village. It is through this business that she is able to support herself and her family. 

Thanks to the program’s contribution, Tulayi’s corner shop is progressing well. She’s even able to purchase new items to add to her revenue so that she can boost her business. The profit she gains from running the shop, she buys food and other basic needs for her family. 

This is a testimony to the effectiveness of the Economic Empowerment Program truly working and touching people’s lives. Your prayers and words of encouragement are vital to this program because they help us to keep working. In the same way, your actions towards economically empowering the people of Malawi are just as vital and helpful. As James 2:15 says “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

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