Have you ever considered something as simple and mundane as doing your homework as a blessing? To these girls, it is. Girls in Malawi face many obstacles in their pursuit of education. The weight of household responsibilities falls fully on them which leaves little time for them to focus on their schooling. 

Once they are able to complete said responsibilities, many are required to walk great distances to reach their school due to a lack of schools in their area. The journey to school is not only long, but also dangerous as many girls have reported frequently being harassed by men. These obstacles make it so that the girls are discouraged from attending school which increases the drop out rate of young women in high school. 

Y-Malawi works to prevent such situations and one way they have done so is by building Home Safe. Home Safe is a house in Nkhotakota, located strategically near a school for the sole purpose of providing secure housing for girls so that they have easier access to their education. This house shelters 13 girls, all of whom attend school. Over the years, through your donations, things like beds, tables, bookshelves, and lightbulbs have been added to the house so that the girls can effectively complete their work. 

The photo above is a testament to how far this project has come. The girls are now able to attend school easily while comfortably doing their homework in Home Safe. This testimony teaches us to be more appreciative of the simple and mundane tasks in our lives because even they can be counted as blessings. 1 Thessalonians 5: 18 “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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