When Y-Malawi works with churches, it also works with the children of those churches by establishing Sunday schools. Y-Malawi presents the opportunity for members of the churches to join programs and Bible studies that teach them more about the Lord and His Word. Once they are part of these programs, they’re able to volunteer at their congregations to take up the mantle of teaching the children’s Sunday school.

Through Sunday school, the children learn about Jesus and Bible stories. The program lays a firm foundation for the children’s faith to be built on so that they can grow in Christ. Just like it says in Proverbs 22:6 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

The Sunday school program serves multiple purposes. Along with teaching children the Word of God, it gives the volunteers a learning experience by educating the young ones and also functions as childcare during church services. Owen is a volunteer that received training from Y-Malawi as a prerequisite to teaching the children. Though childcare is culturally a women’s role in Malawi, Owen now teaches Sunday school and looks after the children during the church services. Despite the fact that his role is typically reserved for women, Owen is not afraid to be a trailblazer as he serves his community. As seen in the photo above, this program and Owen’s work brings great joy to both the children and the volunteers. This teaches us not to let the norms stop us from doing God’s work. 

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