In Philippians 1:4, Paul says “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” We aim to help bring the Lord’s work to completion with each person that we work with. We achieve this through the programs that we run, all of which are full of opportunities for people to join and better their lives. Some of these programs work in tandem with one another should the participants wish to continue working with Y-Malawi. An example of this can be seen in Joseph’s testimony. 

Joseph is a young man who underwent and completed the tailoring skills course at Y-Malawi’s Vocational Training Center (VTC). Afterwards, he joined Y-Malawi’s Economic Empowerment program to continue on his journey to become an independent tailor. Through this program, a sponsor donated the funds necessary for him to start his own tailoring shop in his village. Now, he is able to provide for himself and his family and is even considering expanding into new business ventures in the near future. 

Joseph’s testimony, among many others, is a demonstration of the great care Y-Malawi takes in each individual to help them reach their full potential and complete the Lord’s purpose in their lives. Joseph is still on a journey of growth, but through Y-Malawi’s programs, he’s been able to expand and explore new opportunities that the Lord provides. 

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