One of the strengths of the Y-Malawi model is that it brings people together for a common purpose.  In Malawi, it brings together different ministry partners who would otherwise be working within their own silo.  In the USA, it brings people together with those in Malawi to accomplish things that simply would not be done without encouragement and help.

This month 3 new Bible study groups for women were started.  This is a great example of just how powerful the model is.  These groups are starting because people have come together for a common purpose.  Here is how it works.

  1. Women express a need to know more about the Bible
  2. Sponsorship Field Officers organize the group
  3. Partner Fishers, Trainers and Senders provides leadership
  4. Donors in the USA provide Bibles and chalkboards
  5. Women study the Bible plus learn a new life skill

The best part is that these women are hearing three words they have never hear before. The words are simply, “God Loves You.”  Their lives will be forever changed as they come to know what it means to follow Jesus.  They are taking what they are learning back to their families, friends, and community.  Others are seeing how the lives of these women are changing, and they are asking why? They too want to know more about this Jesus.

The movement is not unlike how the early church grew, and it is happening because people are working together for a common cause.  It is powerful, as King Solomon said,  ” A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”  (Ecclesiastes 4:12)