Need more proof that economic empowerment works? Read Samuel Chadza’s story, his own words.

“I and my wife were privileged to benefit from the goat pass-on program. The goat that we received gave birth to an offspring. When the offspring was weaned, we passed it on to another in need.  Later our goat also gave birth to a second female offspring. Currently, we have two female goats which are both expected to give birth to offspring soon.

The ministry also assisted us with vegetable seeds, fertilizer, and chemicals. My goal from the profits was to buy a bicycle to ease travel challenges. Unfortunately, it was not achieved because the land that was chosen did not have enough water. I did manage to raise K15, 000 ($20) from the vegetable sales through which I was able to buy 2 ducks, 2 rabbits, and construct a corral for all the animals.

I also used part of the money to hire women to fetch water for me. I used the water to mold 10, 000 bricks. My expectation is that after firing the bricks and selling them, I will be able to use the money to purchase the bicycle I have been longing for.

All this has given me hope on how I will take care of my family. Previously I was only wondering around looking for work in the fields.”     

Can you hear the pride in his words? Samuel is an entrepreneur. He has learned the art of business. He has learned that he can do more than work for a few pennies a day in the field of someone else. This is what economic empowerment does. It gives people self-esteem; it gives them hope.