The Whole Family Matters

The Whole Family Matters

Y-Malawi strives to touch all aspects of the family unit. In addition to the Reading Corners for children’s education, the Adult’s Education programs for grown ups, and the economic development programs for a source of income for the family, Y-Malawi also provides counsel for husbands and wives. 

Many churches in the village don’t teach in depth about the purpose of marriage, the role that God plays in it, and the Biblical way to go about it. Augustine, a member who attends these marriage counseling meetings, testifies saying “I have lived my whole life without witnessing anybody approaching me with this clear understanding as to how I should live with my wife.” Y-Malawi seeks to change that through this program. Weekly, that change is happening as Augustine continues to say “Thanks to God because Y-Malawi is the only ministry in this community that has taught us clearly from the Bible about the meaning of the marital companionship.”

Something as sacred as marriage must be properly taught and everybody deserves to learn more about it. This program, along with the others previously listed, are all possible because of your support through prayers and donations. Many families are being impacted by the work that God is doing through Y-Malawi and your help.

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It’s Never Too Late

It’s Never Too Late

Can you imagine going back to kindergarten to learn how to read and write as an adult? It may sound out of this world, but when you’ve grown up having learned to do neither, it’s a step in the right direction. Lingson is a brilliant young man in Malawi who has managed to become his village’s headman. Unfortunately, because he never learned to read or write, he felt inadequate as a leader.

Lingson himself said “Being illiterate is like a disease because you miss most important things.” By God’s grace, the Y-Malawi Adult Education Program came to his village and he decided to join. Through this program, Lingson became better equipped as his village headman by taking lessons with other adults to learn reading and writing. In gratitude, he said “The coming of Y-Malawi with Adult Education Program has helped a lot of people, including myself. I can now read and write a lot of things.”

His testimony is one amongst many that Y-Malawi is helping through the Adult Education Program. Since many people are discouraged to return to school after such a long time, this program breaks down the stigma against adult students and gives them the opportunity to begin their learning journey once more. It shows us that it is never too late to begin learning something new. 

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Let The Little Children Come To Me

Let The Little Children Come To Me

Proverbs 22:6 says “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Raising the next generation of leaders and contributors to society is not a task that must be taken lightly. Children are sponges who absorb everything that’s happening around them, and this is what shapes who they will grow up to be. It’s easy to write them off because of their size and naivety, but it’s in their adolescence that they can learn the most. 

Reading Corners is a Y-Malawi program that aims to educate the young minds of Malawi in the rural areas. In addition to teaching them how to read and write the basics, Reading Corners also shares the Word of God with these children. Every week, many children gather to hear Bible stories from Y-Malawi volunteers. This program is a safe space for these children to learn more about Jesus. A student from the program, Joyce, said “I am so happy that we can read these stories about Jesus from the Bible.” It’s clear that these weekly meetings are a source of joy for the children. 

The school supplies and Bible donations are what make this program possible for these children. In Luke 18:16, Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Children are just as important as anybody else in the kingdom of God and it’s important for us to provide them a way to learn about Him so that as they grow, they’re equipped with His Word.

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Boundless Love

Boundless Love

Do you ever hear God calling you, but you feel like you don’t have the resources to respond? Oftentimes, people are called, but hold themselves back out of fear of inadequacy. Moses was like that when the Lord called him to free His people. In Exodus 4:10 he said “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”  God replied “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind?  Is it not I, the Lord?  Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

God is a provider and He always makes a way for you to fulfill his will.  A great example of this is seen through the Y-Malawi sponsorship program.  When people hear ministry, they immediately think of traveling great distances and making even greater sacrifices.  Though that may be true, it’s not always the case. The sponsorship program gives everybody an opportunity to make an impactful change from exactly where they are. 

Ginny recently provided the young lady that she sponsors a bicycle for transportation, books for education, and a few items of clothing. Her sponsored girl wrote back saying “I am so joyful and overwhelmed with these great gifts I have received.” Ginny’s contribution made such a great impact in the village that even the neighbors said “Y-Malawi is one of the few organizations that really love people. Thank you for making her happy. Thank you for changing her life.” 

The Y-Malawi Sponsorship Program gives people the opportunity to connect and experience Christ’s love from across oceans.  So is God calling you?  If so, this is a great starting point to join His ministry.  It requires minimal change to your life, but makes such a significant difference in someone else’s. 

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Walk the Talk

Walk the Talk

Proverbs 14:23 says “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Faidon is a Malawian man who has embraced this principle perfectly. Like the majority of Malawians, Faidon and his family rely on subsistence farming, which is farming for you and your household’s food. The staple food in Malawi is Nsima. It is made using corn flour, so all the farmers plant corn annually during the rainy season because that’s the only way they can irrigate their crops effectively. 

Unfortunately, the rain is not consistent each year, and sometimes, it’s not enough to grow the corn needed to survive. Fertilizer can be used, though, to add nutrients to the soil so that the crops can survive during such times. The government recognizes this problem and issues out bags of fertilizer to farmers through farm input subsidies. But oftentimes, the fertilizer is made available too late into the rainy season and the farmers are left with a loss in their potential harvest. 

Faidon was affected by this problem and took it into his own hands to solve it. Through the Economic Empowerment Program that Y-Malawi runs, Faidon was taught how to make his own fertilizer so that he could use it during the right time and ultimately help his crops grow better. Thanks to this program, Faidon and his family now have a better chance of harvesting more corn annually and can thus feed themselves throughout the year. Instead of complaining about the lack of effectiveness in the systems that were supposed to help him, Faidon took initiative and used the knowledge he gained from Y-Malawi to resolve the issue. 

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There’s Always Room for Improvement

There’s Always Room for Improvement

One of Y-Malawi’s greatest testimonies is the Vocational Training Center (VTC) located in Nkhotakota. What started out as a way to train a few Malawians of a useful skill they could use to make money and sustain themselves has now turned into a booming success. The VTC now runs a store as well, selling products made by the students attending the training sessions. 

This center teaches the trainees skills such as carpentry, welding, tailoring, as well as artisan skills like making bracelets and necklaces. Once the trainees have completed their course, they’re given capital, which is funded by donations, to start their own businesses. With the amount of products being produced during training, the VTC has opened its own store where they sell the products. The money earned is used to improve the VTC itself as well as pay the employees and trainees that work there. 

Moving forward, the 2024 vision is to expand the store by constructing a new building in the front of the property to better display the products being sold. No matter how far we advance in life, the Lord teaches us that there is always room for improvement as discussed in 2 Peter 1: 3-11. So in keeping with that theme, Y-Malawi hopes to continue growing its ministry through the VTC as the year progresses.

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