“I thought it was the end of my life.” That’s what Elizabeth said about her situation when she was raped before entering high school.
Elizabeth lives in a home with a family of 11. She had been able to attend elementary school regularly, but the pregnancy put an end to her school career. God was gracious and Elizabeth had plenty of help to care for the baby. Still just a young girl herself, she was learning how to be a mother. Yet, in her heart she longed to go back to school. As each day passed, her dream of education seemed farther and farther away.
Then God did the amazing. Her brother heard about Y-Malawi helping women and girls in a nearby village. He contacted Y-Malawi and asked for help on behalf of his sister. The need was made known, and God provided a sponsor. Within just a few weeks, Elizabeth had a new school uniform, books, pencils, examination and other school fees paid. She was going back to school.
Imagine her excitement returning that first day. Elizabeth told her new sponsor, “I am so grateful for this opportunity. I do not take this for granted. I will work hard. I will achieve my dream. I am praying for you too, that God should bless you for what you have done to me.”
The road ahead for Elizabeth is not an easy one, literally. She is walking up and down hills more than 5 miles each way to get to school. That means she is walking more than 3 hours each day just to get to school! At home she has chores to do and of course homework. Her days begin before the sun comes up and end long after it has gone down. Yet, she is determined. She says, “I have learned many lessons in my life, now I am learning the lesson of working hard to achieve.” Her goal is to finish school, then help other girls who might need the same encouragement she did.
Helping a girl like Elizabeth takes only about $1 per day. To learn more about how you can help other like her visit https://y-malawi.org/sponsorships/