What is the difference between a hand up and a handout?  The answer is hope.  Hope that you will no longer depend on someone else to feed your family.  Hope that you will be able to send your children to school.  Hope that you are not condemned to a life of poverty.  Hope in a better future.

Economic Empowerment is working.  Here are three stories of proof.

Rhoda is young.  She is still in High School, but she had dreams of starting a business to help support her family.  With the help of Y-Malawi’s Economic Empowerment program and her mother and aunt she has done just that.  Now her new store is earning money that can help pay for her school fees and feed the family.  From Rhoda, “I am very grateful for the business opportunity.  I believe this will help my family to feed us and give us some basic needs as we go to school unlike before, when we were starving and unable to go to school.”

Asumani graduated from the Y-Malawi Vocational Training Center in Carpentry.  Having his own shop was only a dream before.  Now he is making furniture for local preschools. He said, “Thank you Y-Malawi, I am very grateful for the training and start-up capital, I will soon be independent and be able to support my family financially.”

Raja also graduated from the Vocational Training Center, but in Tailoring.  His new business has started and is doing so well that he has now expanded to selling tomatoes and other vegetables along the side of the road near his shop.  He is planning to expand even further with his profits. You can sense the gratitude in his words, “Thank you Y-Malawi for showing me a way to my future. I will not be the same. I am working hard to grow my business and become a source of hope job to others in the community.”

There are so many yet to help.  Thank you Y-Malawi family for opening your hearts to help those who need only a hand up to have hope.