University Bound

University Bound

Anesi’s husband left her for another woman to raise 5 children on her own.  Unfortunately, since marriages are not legally binding in the village, this is commonplace.  Like so many other women Anesi might have been without a home, unable to send her children to school, working in the fields each day to at least get the children a meal every other day or so.  But God… He stepped in.

Through Y-Malawi’s program to empower women and girls, God provided Anesi a sponsor.  With a little help she was able to feed her family and even send her children to school.  Incredibly, one of the girls named Falida even finished High School.  That’s something that only 3% of girls in Malawi ever do!  Falida’s dream was to go to university.

Y-Malawi had also helped Anesi start her own business.  She was saving a little money each month to send her daughter to university, but it just wasn’t enough.  God stepped in again.  He provided a sponsor for Falida.

Now this girl from the village is enrolled at Emmanuel University.  The day Falida arrived she couldn’t believe what was happening to her.  With the biggest smile ever and a little water in her eyes, she sent this message to her sponsor, “I am thinking that this is a dream.  I did not know that there was life like this.  I am so grateful for this opportunity.  The love you have shown me I do not take for granted.  I am going to work hard.  I am going to make you proud of what you have done to me. I will pray for you every day that God should bless you more.”

Sharing the love of Jesus by sponsoring a woman or girl does not just empower her, it empowers her entire family and everyone around her.  It gives hope.  Hope that there are people in the world who care.  Hope that a better future is possible.  Hope that even a girl from the village in Malawi can make a difference in the world.

There is a saying in Africa, “I am because you are.”  Y-Malawi sponsors are proving that saying to be true everyday.

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