Think sponsorship is all about giving a little to someone who is poor and needs help? Think again. In her own words here is Sue’s story.
“God really spoke to my heart about the needs and struggles the girls in Malawi have. Things that we take for granted everyday are so hard for the people in Malawi. Just finding enough food and clean water every day is a challenge, but the one thing that broke my heart for the girls is that they do not have the opportunity to go to school like we do in America. The girls end up in child marriages, having children at a young age, and they have no hope for a better life.
After sponsoring a girl, I had the opportunity to go to Malawi and meet her. I cried tears of joy to see her, pray with her, and find out what her needs are. We have built a relationship through the field workers and the emails we share. Through the emails, I enjoy learning about her life and hearing her excitement in knowing that someone cares and prays for her, giving her hope for the future. God has blessed me through sponsoring her and has made me fall in love with the Malawian people.”
So, the question is “Who’s life was changed?”