Are you as excited about what God is doing in Malawi as we are? Perhaps God is prompting you to lean in a little closer. But then what could you do? A lot actually, and the even better news is that everyone can do something! God gives us all different ways to participate in His story. We are “Fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), specifically to fulfill His purpose for our lives.
Now back to that question, “But what can I do?” Here are 5 things, five suggestions to get you started.
Start with the small steps and work your way forward as God leads you.
- Start out slow. Go to YouTube and watch the movie called Come and See. This hour-long movie will give you more insight into how Y-Malawi works and what God is doing there. It could not be easier, just follow this link to go directly to the movie on our YouTube Channel.
- Then take another step. Buy the book Heart 2 Heart. This book will give you even greater insight into the work and ministry of Y-Malawi. You won’t just read, you will watch video’s along with each chapter to help you experience what you are reading about. This link will take you to Amazon to buy the book
- If you have come this far, you are starting to open your heart. Now how about taking that next step and sponsoring a woman or girl in need. For just $35 per month (about $1 per day) you can help a vulnerable woman or girl with food security, schooling, vocational skills training, coaching and encouragement. Plus, half of your monthly gift goes to help us come along side a local church. Your sponsorship helps her entire community. Click this link to learn more.
- Her is the fourth step, and it’s a bold one. How about coming with us to Malawi? You can walk in the village with us as we minister to children, Chiefs, women, girls, youth, and churches. It will be two weeks that will change your life forever. It’s a big step, but one you will never regret. Click on this link to learn more about trips.
- Last step, you are almost there. Someone once said something like, you can know when a person really believes in something by examining closely their checkbook. Some of us have been blessed beyond what we deserve and are called to help support this work financially. Perhaps that’s you? If so, sharing some of what God has given you is as simple as clicking on this link.
And there you have it. 5 things you can do to engage in a deeper way and experience how God is changing lives in a place far away. God is doing something incredible in Malawi, and you can be a part of it. Who knows, you might find that in the process He does something incredible in your life too!