Our Vocational Training Center in Nkhotakota is continuing to grow.  Since opening, the center has graduated almost 150 students in carpentry and tailoring skills.  These graduates can now begin their own businesses and use the skills they have learned to become self-sustaining in life.

God has blessed this center and more students want to attend.  We hope to expand soon into welding and tin work, jewelry, and even fashion design. An on-site store has opened so that students can sell goods they are making to community and visitors.  Our hopes, dreams, and prayer is that we can further expand to a snack bar for students, community, and those passing by.

To do all this, especially during the pandemic, the center needed water.  At first, we tried to dig our own well, but after some time and effort, it became clear that more professional help was required.  God provided an answer to our prayers through a church in La Jolla, California.  A professional drilling company was hired.  After drilling about 2,000 feet down, water started to bubble up from the ground. Then a geyser and eureka, we had water!

Now tanks and solar pumps are being completed to provide access to clean, drinking and washing water for students and visitors.  The photo shows the progression of this process.  Water is one of the first things mentioned in creation, everything living depends on it.  In developed countries sometimes we forget what a valuable, even essential commodity water can be.  We are so grateful to now have this resource.  It proves once again how faithful God is and reminds us of 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”