Below are a few of the women and girls waiting to be sponsored.  Once you find the one you want to empower, jot down her name and click “Sponsor Now.”   As you check out just write her name in the comment box.

That’s it! You are on your way to changing a life!

Amina Jafali –  She is 19 years of age and living with her large family.  Amina is attending school in grade 11.  She has a child but has not given up on her dream of finishing High School.  She identifies as Muslim, but also faithfully attends Bible study.  With just a little support each month Amina can achieve her dream.  Maybe you could be the one to help her change her life and then the lives of her family members.

Can’t Decide? – If you can’t decide that is no problem.  Just click Sponsor Now below.  For the name of the woman or girl you want to sponsor just enter You Pick.  We will look for someone who really needs a sponsor just like you!                                                                                                                                  

Chimwemwe Kamanga – She is known as a very intelligent woman. She is married and has three children.  Her husband has not job.  The family is poor and struggling.  Her dream is to learn a new skill and someday start her own business.  She says that given a chance, she is sure she can support her family.

Belita Petulo – She is 47 years old and a widow.  She lives in a grass thatched house with her children that she does her best to support.  Her only way to do this is to work in the fields for day wages.  She is strong.  Belita is a Christian and active in her local church and Bible study.  She needs a sponsor to encourage her and provide hope for a better future.  Will you be the one to give her hope?                                   

How about putting a girl through high school? – We have a list of girls who can’t afford High School.  $55/month for 4 years will get a girl the education she needs. Just click below, give a $55 monthly gift and note it is to put a girl through High School.  We will be in touch with the details about the life you are changing soon.

Ides Zakaria – Active in Children’s Club Ides is learning about Jesus.  She is also learning in school.  Ides is 12 years old and in grade 6.  Her parents are poor and as you can see she has no uniform or school supplies, yet she is a good student.  You can help her stay in school and have a chance. 

Biyasha Tamimu –  Biyasha is a widow. She is 76 years old.  She is in good health, but has lots of aches and pains.  She does not see well.  She is living with her grandchildren and daughter in a small house. She is active in church and loves to sing praise songs. Her favorite says, “Thank you God for loving us.”  Sponsorship can make her senior years more comfortable.  Will you be the one to help Biyasha?

Patuma Amini – She does not know her age.  She has had 7 children.  Patuma is married, but her husband is disabled.  She has 3 grown children still living at home because they are blind and cannot walk.  This family needs help urgently.  The local church has stepped in, but it is not enough.  Please help if you can.

Agness Chimeto – Agness is old by Malawi standards.  She is all alone and supports herself by weaving, she makes hats and mats.  Yet, life is hard for a senior, especially a woman.  There is no government assistance.  You can help make her senior years just a bit better.

 Chimwemwe Kamanga – This woman is 36 years of age. She is married, living with a husband and 7 children.  She is a very hard worker, even having started her own small business. She had a sponsor, but that sponsor was unable to continue.  Now she needs another to step up and walk beside her as she works to improve her life and the lives of others.                                                                                                                           

Lidia Phiri –  At 72 years of age Lidia is a widow. She has many children and grandchildren.  She is a Christian and active in her local church.  She is Chairman of the Women’s Guild.  She is a hard working woman who having survived two husbands continues to make a difference in the world.   It takes just a little to help.                       

Hanifa Mayigwa – She is 21 years of age.  Hanifa was married young and has two children.  The husband left for another woman.  Now she is caring for the children alone.  She identifies as Muslim, but is active in Bible Study Group.  Hanifa would like to have her own business to support family.