The Great Commission, given in Matthew 28, instructs us believers to go into the world and make disciples of Christ by teaching them all that he has commanded us to do in scripture. One of the many ways we are called to do that is through leadership. In 1 Peter 5:2, when writing to elders in the church, Peter writes “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them–not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve.” One of Y-Malawi’s partners, FTS, works to build up such leaders in their Discipleship Training program.

One of the people who have gone through this program is Wickless. He had a desire to share his faith with other people so that they too could have the opportunity to encounter and know Jesus as their Lord and savior. Despite his calling though, he felt ill prepared to take on such a task and did not know how to go about spreading what he believed in. Thankfully, after hearing about the Discipleship Training program at FTS, he joined it and eventually completed the entire course. 

Since completing the program, Wickless has started a Bible study group and is currently leading it. When asked about the impact the experience had on him, he said “My life has been shaped, I can now effectively have a relationship with God and lead others to develop intimacy with Him.” His testimony speaks to the wide reach these programs run by both FTS and Y-Malawi have. By aiding one person, we were able to touch the lives of many more people, just as the Great Commission instructs us to do.

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