Can you imagine a classroom with one teacher and 150 students? Classes of this size are common place in Malawi public schools. With large classes come a lot of distractions. Students get little one on one attention. To make matters worse, materials and resources are often a challenge. So, while students in Malawi are just as bright as students of every other nation, their environment makes learning and educational success a much greater challenge.
Fortunately students in Nkhotakota now have a new weapon against ignorance. Its called Reading Corners. Students come to Reading Corners after school. Volunteers help them with reading, math, and even writing skills. Y-Malawi trains the volunteers, provides chalkboards, reading materials, and other learning aids. It’s fun and there are still a lot of students, but the results have been dramatic. 13 year old 4th grade student Anafi was so excited he could hardly contain himself when he said, “In the past I was performing poorly, but last term I managed to scoop position 2 in my classes!”
It is often said that “Education is the key to ones future,” but a key is only good in the hands of someone that knows what it can be used for. Reading Corners is giving kids a chance to know how to turn the key that can change their lives.
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