How is it possible? How could a small village church grow more than 100% in membership in just a few months?
Some would say it is not possible, but it is. The 70 churches in the Church Empowerment Zone established by World Relief/Y-Malawi are growing! The Empowerment Zone works because churches of all denominations come together. They put their doctrinal differences aside focusing instead on how they can share the good news of Jesus in their communities. Of course, there is pastor training, nearly 6,000 Bibles have been distributed, and there are training programs for families, children and youth. But most importantly, each of these churches agrees to begin a seed project within their community.
These churches are reaching out to the lost with the love of Jesus. They are cleaning clinics, working fields for widows, building latrines, feeding the hungry, caring for the disabled. Truth is, they are doing the same thing Jesus did. He did not ignore those in need. Instead, he often went out of his way to help them. It’s one of the things that drew people to Jesus. When his people demonstrate his love in the same way, it’s still one of the things that draws them to him.
The Apostle James wrote, “But someone will say, “You have faith, I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by deeds.” (James 2:18) These churches are demonstrating what James was talking about. They are not trying to convince people to Jesus, they are leading them to him by example. Zig Ziglar used to say it this way, “People don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.”