Why do people go on Vision Trips to Malawi? The answer to that question can vary, but usually people go with the intent to help the poor people of Malawi. Often the thinking is that as Americans we can bring knowledge, resources, determination, and encouragement to help the Malawians who have so little. The truth is that people who go with those thoughts in mind most often come back with a completely different viewpoint.

It is true that during Vision Trips we minister to the people of Malawi, but it is just as true that they minister to us. Vision Trips are about experiencing a different culture, land, and people far from the United States. Yet the experience is primarily about relationships. Trip participants spend time and get close with the people of Malawi. We share life. We talk, laugh, sometimes cry, pray, and worship together. At a certain level we become family. The experience is life changing. Trip participants often tell us they have maintained relationships with those they met in Africa for years.

Participants tell us over and over again how they went to Malawi to help those in need, but they returned having been helped themselves. It is hard to explain, but the people of Malawi are filled with an infectious joy for life rarely seen in the United States. There is much we can learn from the people of Malawi about living a life of joy. Most of those we visit have so little materially, yet they have so much of what many of us lack. People come back from Vision Trips with a new perspective on life. The experience gives them new eyes to see the world differently. You might say they return with their eyes wide open.

So, are you ready to go? Now is the time to begin planning for 2021. We have 6 trips planned so far. There is no deposit required to register, so pick one and reserve your spot now. Once registered we even have tools to help you with fundraising!

  • Spring Vision Trip – May 15 – 25
  • Pastors Vision Trip – May 29 – June 12 (Not a Pastor? You can register too!)
  • Azuza Pacific University – Sorry this is a closed trip
  • Whittier Area Community Church – Sorry this is a closed trip
  • Summer Vision Trip – July10 – 24
  • Later Summer Vision Trip – July 24 – 7 August

Click here to learn more about Vision Trips and/or register