He died when she was just 15 years of age.  Fales was in 11th grade.  Life had been going fine, but then suddenly it wasn’t.  He was not only her father.  He had been her encourager, her coach, her strength, her guide, but now he was gone.  As the first born, she and her mother were left to care for a family of 7.

It was difficult.  They struggled a lot to feed, clothe, and keep the children in school.  With a High School education, you can teach in Malawi.  Fales became a teacher and continued to help her mother with the other children.  Along the way she married, but after just 4 years this man died too.  Life remained difficult but somehow Fales and her mother managed to get all of the children through school.  Only one married early. One even attended University!

Fale’s life changed when one day the Head Teacher at school invited her to a Christian fellowship.  There she heard about Jesus.  It was that day that she gained new hope.  It was that day that her walk with Jesus began.  For 13 years after that day she waited on the Lord.  She held fast to the words of Psalm 27:10, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.” God did not forsake her and in His time gave her a wonderful new husband and family.

At church one day she heard about an opening in Chiefs Ministry.  She didn’t know much about the work, only that it involved telling people about Jesus.  Many discouraged her, but she felt God calling her to apply.  Her reasoning was simple, “Every time I think about Jesus, I just want all should accept Him because He was the man that changed me for good.”  When she applied, she somehow forgot to include her contact information.  Chiefs Ministry found her anyway and called her for an interview!

Now Fales is a key member of the Chiefs team.  She is responsible for Chiefs Bible Studies, Women’s Change Me programs, teaching Farming God’s Way and working with Chiefs to end child marriages.
She is impacting literally thousands of lives.  Her life has been impacted too, “When I see Chiefs and community members responding to the Word of God and seeing them enjoying life as children of God, it encourages my life too because life without Christ is nothing.”