Special Gifts

Want to do something special?  There are needs beyond the day-to-day that make a significant impact on lives. 

  1.  Build a Worship Center in a community that has had no church for more than 50 years! $10,000.
  2.  More communities need fresh, clean water.  A standard well is $4,500, solar powered $12,000.
  3.  We need Bibles in Chichewa, many have never even seen a Bible.  They cost $15 each.
  4.  $5,000 can start 20 new businesses impacting thousands of lives.
  5.  The ministry is growing, we are desperate for more vehicles.  2 motorbikes at $4,000 each and a new truck at $15,000.

Maybe you, your church, or other organization can help?  Even a portion of the above can make a big difference.  Use the one-time gift box.  Be sure to share what the gift is for in the comment box as you donate.

If you want 100% of your gift to go to Y-Malawi, please add 2.5% to your gift to cover processing expenses.

Questions & Answers

Why get involved now? So glad you asked!  What God is doing through this new model is amazing.  We are praying to replicate this concept in other areas, areas of even greater need. The intent is to further prove the model to change lives in a sustainable way.  Our dream is that one day we will be able to replicate these results in places of need all over Africa. 

What is the goal?  We can do this!  It just takes a little from a lot of folks to make a real difference. On or our goals is to see 5,000 women and girls sponsored over the next 5 years. This will allow us not only to change the world for these women, but to develop and empower more than 600 local village churches so that they can impact hundreds of thousands.

How much of my gift will go to the work in Africa?  We keep our administrative costs low. Like you, we want as much money flowing to the cause as possible. Our goal for administrative expenses is less than 10% of revenues. Our board reviews expenses monthly to ensure every penny possible is going to support our mission. Our annual report with details is available each year on our website.

How can I know what my gift is accomplishing in Malawi?  Great question! Unless you opt out, we will add you to our monthly email list. This 1-page email shares progress, success stories, and updates you on new developments.  If you don’t want to receive the updates, you can unsubscribe at any time. You can view regular updates on our blog.

What will my gift be used for?  Love this question! If you sponsor a woman or girl, about half of that money goes directly to support your sponsored person. The balance goes to impact lives and create change in the local area she lives in. It supports field officers, transportation, training materials, and Bibles. It support building new schools, providing fresh water wells, tools and materials for vocational training.

What am I committing to?  Like your home, it is difficult to plan without a regular income, so recurring gifts are very important to our work. Y-Malawi does not set parameters on your generosity or length of commitment. If you decide to sponsor a woman or girl, we hope that you will consider a 5 year commitment, but you can stop your gift at any time by visiting our donation site and changing your preferences. If you prefer a one-time gift, we welcome whatever you feel called to do.